Advantage Metal Powders, Inc
Metco Industries Inc
St. Marys Tool & Die Co.
Abbott Furnace
Quala-Die, Inc.
Free Form
Amphenol Advanced Sensors
Atlas Pressed metals

A big thank you to these companies for letting us come in to learn what you do, impacts you have on our community and across the US
...And More to come

Mikayla Poland - PA made arts & Clothing Co.
Bart nelson - Product assurance
Zach padasak - Alpha Precision Group
Guest speakers

Mikayla discussed with the class the different types of Logos that are used on a regular basis. She also talked about the process of creating your own company logo.

The class period was spent discussing the different properties and applications for the many powders that are being used in the PM industry. Bart did a great job explaining those details to the students.

Zach spent the morning educating the student on both the MIM (Metal Injection Molding) and 3D Metal Print processes. This discussion was a precursor to the facility tour.

Morgan Advanced Materials - Visit from Members
Luncheon with Local Manufacturers - Red Fern
St. Marys City Council - Visit from Members
PA Secretary Of Education - Visit to SMASD
Business Workshop with nwIRC and Bradford Manufacturers - at Bradford High

Dutch Manufacturing would like to thank these people for taking time out of their day to tour us or meet with us